Saturday, September 11, 2010

Landed. Landed! Landed!!!

Touchdown Bloggatrons!
Flew in late wednesday night after a long ear popping flight- Libster, Babz and I are now hotel residents for a few days while we apartment hunt... Which by the way is going much better than thought?! Security Deposit down on a fab place already eek!
Approval please Mr.Landlord.

Exciting weekend ahead; Edun fashion show today with babzer. Working backstage with Preen tomorrow. It's amazing what full stops can do to a sentence, isn't it? I think we need a little more of these guys !!!! NY FASHION WEEK!!!
Photos will be taken bloggatrons, even if I have to sneak into a dressing rail.

later bloggatronsxxx

1 comment:

  1. i love your blog header very creative
