Here are a few photos from the Os Mutantes/ Ariel Pink gig the gang and I went to upon T.bag's recommendation, and wow was it good. Hats off to T.bag. I know the photos are a little eh.. but I quite like them! If you know the sound of either of these bands you might think they match up well to the music, well maybe it works more-so with the Ariel Pink photos than the Os Mutantes pics -I don't know what kind of image could portray the sound of Os Mutantes music? Perhaps some crashing giant teacups in a forest with a troll and an evil witch dancing together in harmony? Needless to say, the music was straaaaaange but in a really fantastic way! In one particular song they ended it with a drawn out chuckle, or maybe a full- bellied laugh/ chuckle? It was wonderful. On top of that, Os Mutantes is a brazilian band from 30 years ago so the lead singer is a very trendy oldie (appreciate the clothing bloggatrons).
Ariel Pink who were the support for the brazilian mutantes were fabulously psychedelic. Babz has not stopped bopping to the youtube clip below (which is actually a really good home-made video of the movie Perfect with Travolta and Curtis), I enjoy bopping with her.
I do think these photos really capture Ariel Pink! I tried every setting on my camera but nothing would come out any clearer, I took it as a sign from the psychedelic gods to stop trying. Or maybe I should take it as a sign to get a better camera? Possibly. K must hit the sack now as I'm working bright and early, enjoy the photos and youtube clip.
Snogs and Blogs xxx

Ariel Pink

Update; Really shouldn't have harped on so much about the photos, they really aren't all that good. But the video is grrreat bloggatrons so watch it! And please try and appreciate my mediocre photography.