It pains me to see only three posts for March. My blog looks so sad and neglected...sniff. But I'm back and I have lots of stuff to write about! Well not lots, but bits and pieces.
London Fashion Week came and went so quickly, I was a little out of breath. I didn't get to write about all the shows I wanted and thats all I wanted to do bloggatrons! But it would've been forced and I would've re-used words like "beautiful" and "textural" alot, so instead of showing everyone how small my vocabulary is I made a mental note of the ones I was going to come back to.
So this is where Co-operative Designs comes in! A label made up of two designers who met in CSM on a MA and what they have created since leaving has been nothing short of inspiring. The traditional use of knitwear and the modern twist they give it with their weird shapes, innovative patterns and a techno hit through colour seem to be the unofficial ethos of the label. S/S 2010 has a tribal feel, which echoes through a few of their earlier collections, but is by far the most obvious of them all. Maybe "tribal" isn't the right word? More urban warrior? Hmmm I think so.

You're limited in what you can do texturally with knit, but they take the obvious and reinvent it! And most importantly, the pieces are so wearable. What I would do for this pompom jumper from A/W 09.

I've only been following since spring/summer 2010 but I've been looking into their small but impressive archive ever since. My favourite collection has to be A/W 10, it's like they've found their comfort zone. The earlier collections have a fun youthful factor but I think A/W 10 is brilliantly executed and has a real high fashion feel of sophisticated edginess- Parisian love will be coming their way if not there already!

(Above images from
I <3 Cooperative Designs.
Bloggamonsta xxx
This is nicely written. I love a lot of these designs. Thank you for informing us about them!