Just a quick post before I hit the sack. I'm alive. Just incase you think anything has happened to me on the mean streets of New York -which by the way are more polite and friendly that yee old Irlanda. So I've had a busy few days with my internship and general city life, which seems to fly by faster than you want it to. But I luckily had a long weekend of exhibitions the weekend before last; went to see Yoshitomo Nara; Nobody's Fool at the Asia Society Museum which made me feel like I was in a creche (and I mean that in the most flattering way), or maybe more back at school doodling? If only I was able to doodle like that. I'll give it a proper few lines when I'm more awake. Leon Levinstein's photography journal at the MET was another cracker, came acoss it casually on the New York bible, Time Out, and knew immediately that I'd love it. But again, I think they both deserve their individual posts, so I'm just going to post a few photos of the pieces I liked at the MET -not that you could possibly venture around the MET in one day, it is so huge! I got lost at least three times, I trusted a french woman to point me towards the Exit and ended up at the toilets. So annnyway.

El Anatsui, African Sculptor, a recycled wall hanging completely constructed of aluminium bottle tops flattened, perforated and connected together with wire. Absolutely love this piece!
A 3D eagle anyone? Just a tad dark and mysterious, but that's not my favourite apect of the Robert Rauchenberg painting/ installation. In fact I was standing there for a good three minutes looking at this piece and wondering why I was standing there? But it's a taxidermy eagle after all. Really, I so love the different use of media and the collage technique. I want the work to be cut up into pieces and made into a sketchbook (or just given to me for an hour or so to figure out how many layers or paint, oil, pencil, fabric, metal went into it ).
A close up of abstract artist Conrad Marca-Relli, The Battle. Another collage piece that caught my eye for inspiration reasons. Patchwork quilt anyone? I'll get started right now! Oil cloth, tinted canvas, enamel paint, and oil on canvas. Just lovely.
Here's a fun one, which will soon be taking a spot on my (jumbo-sized) fridge once I get to a print shop. Looks like Napolean was around in 1978. Except his name is Mark, not Napolean, and the artist is Chuck Close. I think Mark looks more like a Chuck though.
More posts to follow bloggatron's! No more excuses. Sorry about the smaller photos, apparently I've exceeded my limit on my flickr account, I didn't even know that was possible?
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