Fashion East is possibly the coolest show on earth. I really mean it, well right now I mean it. Maybe there'll be something cooler in a month or a year. Actually I highly doubt it. Because Fashion East isn't just your regular seasonal collection. Yes, it is a fashion show, but it's like a haven for up and coming design talent. The thing I love about Fashion East is the range of designers that have been chosen to exhibit their work. I love it coz it's like tracking their progress, and in a way making it look quite possible for design grads like me to have a label if you really work hard enough? Cheesy line? Maybe. I really like the element of college about it, a few designers from all different backgrounds and experiences all together in one big show. Side by side (well not on catwalk, but backstage..) taking on the fashion world, trying to get recognition for the hours upon hours of hard work. And yep, they always seem to deliver. Fashion East know how to pick 'em! So much so that, you end up missing a gem of a designer because you're so focused on the other gem you're loving. Enter, Nasir Mazhar. While I was busy loving Holly Fulton and Michael Van Der Ham, I missed out on Mazhar. When you see his collection you'll be like "how could she possibly have missed out on that?" (theres
alot of pink hair extensions) but I did and now it's time to appreciate!
Check out these doozies from Dazed Digital, no pink hair I'm afraid...

LOVE. Love. LoVe. LOVe. lOVe. LOVE! LOve To ABOVE.

In a nutshell; A former hair dresser that got bored of the limitations of hair and fascinated by the Rude Boys and Rude Girls in the EastEnd, a designer who wanted to incorporate more milliner techniques into hair and counts Lady Gaga as a fan. Remember her lamp shade head piece and the silver orbit around her head? Yep, well that's Mazhar! For those of you who don't know, have a google. For those of you who do, have permission to think I'm v.slow on the uptake!
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