What better way to celebrate than with Jeremy Scott's S/S 2011 collection inspired by New York City! Y'know since I'm here and he's here? And I'm a fashion loving minion and he's an NY designer... Hmmm yes. (I'm a little jet-lagged, and I've just had my first coffee in six months..)

K so why do I love this collection? Beside it being a pretty apt post for the day? I love Scott's simple and daring attitude towards fashion. It's really a collection that only Scott could get away with. And I don't mean that in a I-have-no-other-words-in-my-head-to-describe, boring kinda way (although I don't think I have much more) but you do have to have a real fuck you attitude to the industry when you create something out of shopping bags. It's such a risk, and not in a he's using rubbish bags as clothing kinda way (well yes that too) but more because it's not like it's done before? 70's/80's Punk, Judy Blame accessories and Sia's onstage costumes to name a few. And I'm pretty sure Gaga has worn something out of plastic. In fact I'd bet my macbook on it. At least with this plastic venture, he's brought NY in as his inspiration and the witty references to rent, loving NY and help wanted updates the fun of plastic as fashion.
As well as that Scott seems a bit shameless. He's blatantly followed the Gaga meat dress explosion (made out of parma ham) and although I'm looking it as done and an overblown fashion disaster, I'm still intrigued and I kinda like it because it's his.
He's got a very cool air about him and it's probably important to his brand to keep that personal side of the company up to scratch. People buy into the Jeremy Scott label not only for the quirky designs but also for the cool factor. And he definitely sees the importance of self branding, which he does, in all his blue steel glory. Decked out in his quirky designs, looking like somebody I'd like to party with, but probably wouldn't be able to keep up with. New York perfect!
Anyway I'm blabbing.
Here are the goods, thanks to dazeddigital.com. Fav piece being the Have A Nice Daybag dress.

Oh can't leave here without posting an image or two of Scott's teddy bear runners for Adidas. Oh hello.. And I thought nothing could out-do his wing sneakers? (Did she just say sneakers? Yes I did.)

(First image; mine mine, S/S11; Dazed Digital, Teddy bears; Google)