God. What do you say? It took me at least 40 minutes to write those three simple sentences for my post last night. Who knows how long it'll take to finish this post?! It is just incredibly shocking and awful. I spent a good 15 minutes on the phone to bloggasista just repeating the words "I cannot believe it" and "Oh My God", -we could've easily spent an hour on the line but we had to be sensible. I even felt a little weepy, obviously I never knew him personally but I admired him and his work, and you could say everything he sent down the runway was a huge part of him; it was like a sneaky look inside his creative mind which had no boundaries. It was quite a busy week (hence the lack of posts) so I was really looking forward to blogging about the countdown to LFW and then WHAM! the news arrived and it just didn't feel right blogging about fashion when McQueen, the King, is dead.
Sooooo this post is an ode to the beautiful and creative mind of McQueen! After diving into the Style.com archives and through the magazines stacked in my room I am ready to look back at my fav McQueen momentos in Fashion. "Ready" may not be the right word.. Maybe want? Yes, want. My five favourite moments from McQueen...

Fashion lovers cannot forget the hologram of Kate Moss closing the Fall 2006 show. An example of McQueen's fusion of technology and fashion, the collection in which he delved into his scottish roots for inspiration took a huge jump into the future with a dainty Moss working the runway technoStyle! It was Kate Moss, her blonde hair and pale arms trailing in a dream-like apparition of fragility and beauty that danced for a few seconds, then shrank and dematerialized into the ether.

McQueen designed and created Bjork's ensemble for the album cover of Homogenic. I don't see this dating in fashion Ever! 13 years old this year and the otherworldly image could still be sent down the runway with rave reviews. Bjork; When I went to Alexander McQueen, I explained to him the person who wrote these songs — someone who was put into an impossible situation, so impossible that she had to become a warrior, a warrior who had to fight not with weapons, but with love. This wasn't McQueen's only contribution to the album, he also directed her music video for Alarm Call which I know v.little about but I'm sure a certain T.bag could fill me in...

Who can forget Fall 2009? Holey Moley it's the stuff of nightmares, -creative nightmares that is. Ho Ho! A collection which recieved lukewarm reviews from the critics, but for a texture lover like me it was heaven, or hell! His way of manipulating fabrics will always inspire me.

This collection is undoubtedly one of my favourites from McQueen. Plato's Atlantis; even those words are beautiful! The digitally printed fabric which was treated to his always-perfect Savile Row tailoring, the disfigured shoes (which I blogged about not so long ago), the hair and make-up resulted in a runway filled with delicious looking sea-monsters. According to style.com, McQueen wanted to put across a message about the ecological state of the world; that humankind may have to prepare itself for an underwater future as the ice caps dissolve.
Numero uno and for all the right reasons. No more words needed! Just watch.
Excellent? I think so bloggatrons.
It is just so unbelievable. While I was writing about my five favourite moments I almost forgot he is dead? Weird. His collections are just so alive with texture, colour, imagination, it's hard to believe that the man who was the driving force behind it all is gone. One thing that is for sure is McQueen's legacy will live on in the Fashion world, he will be remembered as an iconic designer that created an edge in London which rippled across the world. -He ultimately gave London fashion back it's cool when it was in a time of struggle. His collections from the past 15 years will continue to inspire the countless designers and everyday fashion lovers of the present, and the future.
Heres to you Mr. McQueen.
Bloggamonsta xxx
(Above images and quotes thanks to style.com and www.mtv.com)
Thank you for posting this. I've felt awkward about posting other fashion related things as well. It just doesn't feel right to me. But this tribute to his amazing designs was just lovely. Thank you again.