I couldn't wait to post about this exhibition since it is a definite London highlight for me. A celebration of the life and work of Nat Finkelstein; a respected photojournalist of modern times which takes place in Idea Generation Gallery, Brick Lane. His photography is renowned for the intimate moments captured on camera of Warhol and the factory days, Sedgewick, Nico, the Velvet underground and the 1960s New York scene- Infacto if you google Edie or Warhol theres a big chance it is an image belonging to Finkelstein. However, his work doesn't quite stop at the factory days, his diverse portfolio captures the civil rights movement, anti-war protests of mid-60's america and then onto the exploration of 1980s and 1990s subcultures of New York.
The biggest part of the exhibition was dedicated to Warhol and the factory days which didn't disappoint the monsta at all! I am a major Factory Girl fan. Exhibition pictures include the likes of Andy, Bob Dylan, Edie, Lou Reed, Nico, Marcel Duchamp and Salvador Dali. And each image comes hand in hand with Finkelstein's refreshingly honest memory of the subject matter. He is most definitely honest! Which is always good.

"What attracted me to her? Is that a question? Long legs, tight ass. Face like an angel, fucked like a god, and I am more sinner than a saint."
-Nat Finkelstein on Edie Sedgwick.

"Was Andy a dark force in her universe? The black hole of perdition? Well, this was pre-Valerie, pre-fifty-thousand dollar portrait Andy. This was Andy-on-the-rise, and she was special. Andy gave his people the right to fuck up. Edie was soft. New York is tough. Edie, like many others, was disposable. Like a syringe with its content dispensed, she was thrown out. Thrown out and left for the bottom feeders, then for the pall bearers."
-Finkelstein on Andy/Edie relationship. (Above images thanks to google)
Wowsers, a longer post than expected. Must run now.
The exhibition is running till the 14th Feb and it's a definte go-to if you can!
Bloggamonsta xxx
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