Sorry bout the lack of posts but I've been a busy bee. Christmas shopping, gigs and family time; tis the season to be jolly! So I'm finally going to upload the photos from The White Lies gig which I was at a week ago. I also have a few photos taken from The XX and Fuck Buttons which were fantastico! These two bands which I saw one night after another couldn't have been more different but both excellent in their own individual way.
The XX was chilled and atmospheric to the max! I don't think anybody could have said a bad word about the gig. Like I said to T.bag, it was like listening to their cd, they sang perfectly and the sound was good, they were also uber cool. Dressed all in black but in a quirky cool way, somthing I didn't think the same about The White Lies. Loved the XX bassist's polo neck and necklace combo, he kinda reminded me of the guy from the band Right Said Fred- ya know the shirt ripping song I'm too sexy BUT in a good way. Less muscles and nice humble guy with a great face- no shirt ripping needed!
Loved the guitarist/singer girl, her hair was jammin -those side burns could cut cheese! But seriously though her voice is the prettiest voice I've ever heard live. There were only three of them performing, apparently the fourth band member is suffering from exhaustion so they're going on without her. Oh remember I thought the guitarist girl was gay? Well I take it back. Lobster and T.bag were right, the sexual tension between her and the bassist was preeetty obvious. She was as cool as a cucumber while the hot bassist couldn't keep his eyes off her, oh the love. And we can't forget the third guy, the brains behind the operation most likely, he spent the gig behind the guitarist and the bassist doing smart stuff I presume. K less of the babble babble..
The band I saw the night after were the Fuck Buttons which were mental! I only heard a little about them from winkster and T.bag but I was still not completely sure what to expect, only that they'd be bad-ass. And they were right! What a bad-ass gig but holy moly was it loud, lobster just about made it to the end of the gig. It was insanely loud, I only found out after the gig that they are referred to as a noise band. Took one or two photos of the table which the equipment was on, thought it looked funkasarus! Pictures aren't the best quality, but they'll do..
So I did a little research about them, I feel its the monsta's job to spread the word about these buttons. Soooo... a two piece experimental group created in 2004 by two guys; Andrew Hung and Benjamin John Power in Bristol when they met in Art School. Found a very cool quote from New Noise which sums up the band perfectly I think; "rarely have two men sounded so much like the end of the world". They have two album's so far Street Horrsing and Tarot Sport . Oh and you gotta love the instruments (I know, hardly what a cool cat hardcore fuck buttons fan would call them but I'm neither cool or hardcore, or a cat for that matter...yet. So 'instruments" it is.), check out the kids Fisher-Price karoake machine and casiotone keyboard! K less babbling, one more photo for my bloggatrons...
it is like i am back at the roisin watching it for the first time!