Happy sunny tuesday! It's been an absolute roaster in the Emerald Isle, so hot that I've gotten burnt (very strange for Ireland). I'm not complaining though, a small price to pay to be able to blog outside in t.shirt and shorts. Sooo, I bought a few cheapies in the last two weeks and I thought I'd showcase them! Nothing fancy. But they put a smile on face, and they curb any need of a shopping spree.
Firstly, sunglasses. From Pennys (aka Primark) €1.50 for each pair. The lalalove is strong.
I have been looking for a trench for the past few months. -I think the power of Burberry's advertising finally got to me so I put it on my wishlist. Came across this little gem in Debenhams for €59 which was a total steal! I love it because it makes me feel mature and sophisticated when paired with simple basics underneath and then when it's buttoned up and tied I feel like a detective. Don't think it gets better then that bloggatrons.
And lastly, a top I picked up yesterday after my driving lesson in Dunnes Stores for €12! (I guess Dunnes would kinda be like the Asda for UK and maybe..Wal-Mart for US but not as jumbosized) It's such a great place to ramble into and find pumps, t.s, little dresses etc for cheap. Love this for the simple comfy shape.
And I don't think this little detail could be any better! Yes, a little cheap looking, but quirky to the maximus. My life would not be complete without a Groove crest.
Hope you enjoy my fair bloggatrons! Snogs & Blogs xxx
I've come across an incredibly cool jewellery design duo- Anndra Neen. Two sisters from Mexico; Phoebe and Annette Stephens with their one year old spring chicken label. Their pieces range from bracelets to over the top neckpieces which carry a medieval/warrior feel. Yes I like. Hand crafted with mixed metals creating an idea of armor, which is enforced even more-so by the spiked cuffs. Eek I love! The following remind me of something you'd find on the sea-bed; debris from an old ship, corroded rock, sea urchins... Just lovely.
(Found these fantastic photos on www.ashadedviewonfashion.com)
Apparently everything is handmade at their studio in Mexico. I wonder what kind of part they play in the label? Do they create the jewellery aswell as design? If so respect. There is such an original edge to each piece, statement neckpieces have been around for a while but I think Anndra Neen takes the biscuit. There is such a timeless aspect to their work, the jewellery resembles something an archaeologist dug up from the past! If I had a piece I'd build my own glass box with a light and exhibit it in my kitchen. Lalalalalove...
Real Estate gig last Monday in Crawdaddy was fantastic! Such a cool bunch of guys, I really would've liked to have hung around afterwards to stalk them but it didn't happen unfortunetly. Hadn't listened to a full song on the album but I was assured by Lobster and Bloggabro that they'd be a good'n. They did build them up alot so I didn't know what to expect, I also kinda like to know the words of songs sometimes so that was an added factor against them, but there was no need to worry! Very easy listening. Too bad I can't say the same about the terrible support bands. Real Estate's music, sense of humour and style made up for it though! Got this pretty jammy photo afterwards.. check it out! (On the left) Louis Theroux's long lost son... Major compliment. (And on the right) I want that cardigan singer. Wish I got one with the bassist and hilarious drunk drummer but you can't have everything I suppose. Enjoy!
It's hard to recommend a few songs because the album is so easy and chilled but these are a few of my favs; Pool Swimmers, Atlantic City (so nice) and Fake Blues. Oh and Green River.
I was flicking through Elle US yesterday and found such an interesting section on fashion solar power. Shiela Kennedy (sounds irish) an architect whos firm KVA MATx collaborated with 8 designers to shed light(ho!) on energy deprived areas throughout the world, quite a stylish and original way of doing so though; through the use of solar panels inserted into bags. I could only get my hands on one image from google which belongs to Loeffler Randall, but through that little research came alot more info! First of all here is Randall's...
Nice, eh? Not at all like a space suit but an actual wearable piece! (Solar panel doesn't really scream contemporary.) By placing this baby in the sun (it even works on cloudy days) it charges a battery that generates a light source and a USB port. Imagine a bag with an ipod charger? Perfect. The idea came about when Kennedy was travelling in a remote part of Mexico and was alarmed by the lack of electricity which left kids and adults without light to study or work when the sun went down. The big bag project has got well known designers supporting the cause; Tommy Hilfiger, Diane Von Furstenberg, Vena Cava, to name a few.
Apparently the work she does with non-profit organisations in Africa continues to help villages which suffer from energy poverty . That makes me happy. Fashion for the eco-concious, and for everyone's right to have the most basic and general need in everyday life, light.
Noon Style is another label which delves into the eco-friendly ways of fashion. A label made up of two textile designers who share a love of organic cotton, hemp, naturally dyed fabrics, chemical free leather and heavy hardware. They too have used solar panels in their designs but these two pieces have to be my fav. Each bag is a one-of-a-kind from individual tie-dying which gives it 100 extra cool points. I'll take them!
Quite an eco-friendly fashion post! Must do more. Bloggamonsta xxx
(First image from Google, last two from www.noonstyle.com)
So this kind of scared me a little. Obviously I'm a big fan of MIA but after this shocktastic video I kinda felt a little sick to my stomach. You have to stick with the build up for at least three minutes until you understand what the video is all about. (I'm guessing a pretty corrupt american army.) Then when you're seven minutes in it really hits it hell for leather. I didn't even hear the song by the end?! Must listen again. A depressing but brilliantly executed song video. Not a good one to watch before bed. And steer clear of the The Boy in the Striped PJ's , jesus christ that will just bury you 'till friday.
As shallow as it sounds though I would loved to have seen MIA rocking it BUCKY DONE GUN style. But then again I guess this shows how much range she has, and it's also like two fingers at the marshmallow singers out there at the moment. Rihanna, Gaga etc (I love you all...) And you can't forget the not-so-serious but serious message of equality it's shouting out.
So here it is..
Bloggamonsta xxx
P.s. Going to a band called Real Estate tonight, V.excited!
Happy weekend Bloggatrons! It would be an even happier one if this piece was sent to my door. Paris Kain's hand painted Kimonos. Wish I had a better photo for you bloggsters. There is a cream and black splat one that makes me drool. (Not sure if he'd be too happy naming one of his delicious kimono's "black splat".)
Paris Kain is the man behind the super cool jewellery label Abraxas Rex and a contributor to Alexander Wang - some may remember the delightful ear cuffs.
Based in NY and taking from the website (http://www.abraxasrex.com/), the mantra behind the label seems v.spiritual, natural and slightly warrior-esque. There is a real depth and richness to the pieces. Almost an end of the world feel, I don't know if it's because theres a hint of punk? But it's more than that too, and I think the term "neo-punk" cheapens it a little. It's like we're 100 years into the future and theres a war of the worlds and jewellery is not only a style statement but also a weapon. Maybe a slight element of cyberpunk? Needless to say I love it! All!
Bloggatrons! It's a sunny sunday in Ireland! Infact it's been quite sunny for the last few weeks, I think global warming may be working to our advantage. Two weeks ago we even had a bush fire right near my house! Not at all amusing at the time but looking back it was quite an exciting night. *Note to self; must get out more.
So as my last two blogs indicated theres not much inspiring me on the fashion side of things at the moment. Looking back into the past is keeping me occupied, or of course scouring the streets (or better yet, the internet) for individual style, never lets a girl down. For the last few weeks though there has been one thing (or rather two) on my mind and that is gigs and festivals (Gigtivals? Ho!) Oh the pain of hearing about Electric Picnic tickets going on sale. I am a EP veteran with four years under my belt, I can't possibly stop there can I? With NY in sight it may have to stop with a full stop. And then of course theres the infamous Glastonbury, each year from January - March I make myself believe that this year is my year, I'm going! I've yet to go bloggatrons. Benicassim is another distant hope, the idea of being able to swap a rain jacket and wellies for a little sundress and flippys gives me a weird feeling in my belly. A good feeling. The list of wannabe festivals goes on and on and on.. Sonar, Primavera, V and Leeds..
And of course the clothing side of festivals.. oh the joy! And the rain:( But the big ideas are the most important when it comes to festival planning, even if it has to be covered up with a rain jacket.
I'll have this please.
This t.shirt with...
...these leggings..
..and I'll have these in a girl size thank you!
Since the summer festivals are looking hazy at the minute I've decided I'm going to jam a few budget gigs in, I know, hardly the most exciting plan when it's up against the above heavy weights BUT it could be marvellous! Cathy Davey, who I've seen twice, is always a jammy dodger. The Villagers, a definite showstopper. Marina and the Diamonds could be a possibility. Aswell as Real Estate who I've heard are v.good from a certain Lobster and Bloggabro. New Young Pony Club are also playing in May, which would be a nice blast from the past! But the big one, which takes the cheese, but seem to have no plans on touring are the Cocteau Twins. Introduced to me by lobster, which he obviously regretted (Persephone was played a gazillion times after discovery). With such a great alternative sound I guessed they were a experimental band from the 10sies, but like most good things they are a post punk, new wave band formed in the late 70's. After a little bit of research on the net and alot of listening to old material on youtube I feel like I've been living under a rock! How have I only come to know about them now? All that Cocteau Twin fun-time lost? I'll be making up for it now, that is for sure. An example of the goodness; Hope you enjoy!